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March 25, 2004



I never get to hang out with the "cool girls"

Ihave to eat cafeteria food and sit with the "nerds and burn-outs"


I was a total nerd in school. Grade school on up to highschool. I was friends with the "cool" girls in my 6th grade class, and sat with them at lunch. Then one day, the leader of the cool girls (who was very nice) went out of town. Since the leader wasn't there, this bitch, Connie, asked me not to sit with them at lunch that day. :(


Mercifully, the only thing I can remember about jr. high school lunches was the fact that the supervisory staff sold Ho-ho cakes at the concession stand.

After that I just draw a complete blank.


I think your valve has magical powers.


Mine sold these horrid plasticy danishes, one of which I ate pretty much every day. And I always read through lunch, so I didn't have to deal with no one choosing to sit with me. How sad is that?


I knew you wanted me. ;-)

Michele - chicky.. you are like the coolest in the whole wide world. I tried calling but got a busy signal. Keep the phone handy, I'll be trying again today.

I (heart) Michele, my new BBF!!!!

Eve P

I like your heart.

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