We have an adoption agency! We're in! I worried myself sick over that applciation and was concerned that we would be turned away. Every day that went by that we didn't hear from them, I would agonize over what their answer would be. Then they called us last night to discuss my heart surgery and told us that we would hear back from them either today or on Monday. Luckily, they e-mailed us this morning to tell us that we're in. My cardiologist will need to provide us with a letter stating that he supports our adoption and that I am okay now. This will not be a problem, because I already gave my doctor a heads up that we would need his help with this, and he was very supportive.
Next week, we'll receive a bunch of paperwork and a social worker will call us to get the homestudy rolling. Also, I did not send our INS paperwork in....thank goodness, because I would have messed it up big time.
Also, my INR went from 2.8 to 1.4. My blood thickened up. Darn it! Then nurse said that this latest turn is diet related. I have to start measuring how much vitamin K food that I eat, and try to eat the same amount every week. I'll get the hang of this eventually.
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