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April 19, 2006


The Aitch

Oh my god. I am heartbroken.


I'm speechless.


Wow. This brings up a lot of feelings for me. My best friend Erica got married to the love of her life, Rick- who had battled osteosarcoma since he was 11 years old- on November 29, 1996. He passed away two months and two days later, on January 31, 1997. He was 20 years old. Their son Richard Lee Prater, Jr. was born May 23, 1997. He wanted that wedding more than he had ever wanted anything in his life, and though he lived two more months, their wedding day was the last day he was truly "alive".

Thanks for sharing this Shelba.



Heather Ann

So beautiful, wonderful, and sad all at the same time. So much better to die living your life, isn't it. Still crying, though.

Melissa Y

What a beautiful and sad story. It really puts things in perspective. Thank you for sharing this site.


Beautiful and sad. Thank you


She really, really was.


That would've been one bittersweet wedding to attend...


That would've been one bittersweet wedding to attend...


I am sitting here in my living room bawling. My husband wants to know what's the matter. Thank you for sharing this. Everyone needs to be reminded of how lucky they are now and again. She is a beautiful bride.


oh, wow. powerfully magnificent.

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