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August 04, 2006



For blanket #3, try weaving in ends as you go. Esp if you are knitting a thick, gushy blanket, you can just weave in over the next 6-10 stitches when you swap yarn. I also frequently use the unorthdox methods of knitting double a few stitches (some yarns work better than others for this) or changing only on the edges, then doing a pick up stitch border which you can bury the ends in. Have you seen the log cabin baby blankets and other Mason Dixon knitting blankets? Happy knitting! It looks great.

The Aitch

wait, didn't Zorba just have a birthday on the 31st?


The blanket is very pretty. I keep coming back to ogle it's nubby goodness. It's really bugging me that I can't touch it.

The most I've been able to accomplish is a scarf. Knitting is not my strong suit. I've crocheted one blanket though and am working on another. I started it over a year ago, so I guessing I won't be finishing it anytime soon.


I can touch it--or one like it and it is yummy. I can't knit. I love the idea of it but am dreadful with yarn. That makes me love the little blankets you knit even more. And did I say yummy? Yep, yummy goodness.

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