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June 24, 2007



I love love love this! Will you share your playscape research with me? Eventually, we'll be in the market for one, too. Thanks for this post - so fun!


Ahhh the meltdowns, my but aren't they glorious in their dreadfulness? Its been meltdown central at our house of late.

Playscapes, OMG the playscapes, I've been looking recently and had absolutely no idea how unbelievably expensive they are :(


I had no idea playscapes are so complex. I'll be finding out in a few years, no doubt.


I hope the bathroom shot was for me.

I am not currently in the market for a playscape, and I'm pretty darn happy about that too. Too many features, too many options, too many dollars.


What a day!
Bri just got me an external hardrive for my photos, too. And we're beginning to look at playscapes, too. They are stunning - in possibility, in fun, in $$.


Yes, exciting stuff! Glad to have you back posting. Wonderful pictures!

atomic mama

Mmm, corn dogs... sometimes, there's nothing more perfect.


Thanks for playing along! Great pics! Playscapes....when I was a kid you were lucky to get a rusty metal swingset!


We bought a play set last fall. You can get really carried away, and we started to but we realized that even the "basic" models are pretty darn nice. It still cost an arm and a leg. I know some of my neighbors have bought theirs from Costco but you have to find someone to install for you unless you want to spend a couple of days putting it together yourselves. LSP loves hers and I'm sure Z will love whatever you choose!


I just love your pics of Ms. Zorba. Her wee ankles just break my heart in those pics of her walking away. And the boo-boos! What a sweetheart.

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