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June 13, 2007



Oooh. Monk rocks. New season starts 7/13. Yep, I'm a TV geek :)


I think Sharona left because she was naughty and wanted more money and screen time. I like the show. It reminds me of the simple fun of Murder She Wrote.


From what I've seen, Sharona was much, much better than the replacement (who is an actress that I like, but she isn't as good as Sharona).

I was always iffy on Tony Shalhoub (liked him in Men in Black and Galaxy Quest, but how can you ever get his role in Wings out of your head???) but then I saw Monk and now I am a BIG fan. Plus I liked him in Cars, which I have seen approximately 1 zillion times.

(He was in Honeymoon in Vegas? I love that movie, but I don't remember him. Hmmm, and he narrated something on TV called GoingGreen: Every Home an Eco-Home. I want to see that now.)

Wow, I have some strong feelings about Tony Shalhoub, don't I? You struck some kind of chord. Poor you.


I love Monk. It is great to see someone as crazy as me!


Monk's a hoot!

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