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January 02, 2009



A great one to start with. I'm doing a Through the Viewfinder 365. Quinky! I'm not one for big commitments but I love TtV and it just didn't seem like it would be all that hard. We'll see! :)


Ooh! I wonder if I can do this. That's all I have been doing for a couple of months anyway--posting just photos I mean. I wonder...hmmm.

I love this photo, by the way. It looks just perfect on my computer screen.


My monitor is pretty bright, and this shot looks fabulous on it. Love the lighting!

I'm on the 365 bandwagon too. I wonder how long I will last. Shall we have a little wager?


Oh, I love this. I am in. I will make a blog tonight just got this. I bet this would be a little too much for my business blog. Amy, I am wondering how long I'll make it, too. Hee.

Uncommon Julia

Gorgeous! I'm impressed. I can't seem to even shower once a day.


I was pulling out of a gas station, and traffic was backed up about 8 vehicles down, a guy was letting me out of the drive way. I looked each ways as I usually do prior to I pulled all the way out. And then out of nowhere a car hit me as I was pulling out in front of the man. The car went around all the other cars on a one lane street, over the double yellow lines I might add, but the police gave me a ticket for "Failure to yield the right of way. Am I at fault? Also I am disputing the ticket but I dont have any witnesses

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